Event Description
Rules for Paper Presentation
1)Topic should be related to civil engineering field.
2)One or Two members in each team.
3)Abstract should be mailed or submitted on or before 29 August.
4)Abstract should be according IEEE format.
5)The paper to be presented should be signed by guide/faculty and
should have college seal.
Entry allowed to students of civil engineering / Allied Branches
It is an individual event.
Duration of the event shall be 3 hours only.
2D modeling using Auto-Cad is expected.
For the plot area the participants are required to plan the building as suggested draw a plan, elevation as per the building by laws.
Carrying pen drive, CD’s, mobile phone is strictly prohibited. If someone found the participants will be disqualified.
The decision of the judges shall be final.
Entry allowed to students of civil engineering / Allied Branches
It is event of maximum 4 members, minimum 2 members.
Duration shall be of four hours.
Models shall be prepared using only the given materials
Explanation for the model prepared regarding its special features like eco-friendliness, energy efficiency, user friendliness, utility etc. is to be given by participants.
The judgment of the models will be based on following criteria.
- Aesthetical view.
- Stability of structures.
Decisions taken by judges shall be final.
It’s a group event.
Maximum two members can participate in each group.
The two members should be from the same college and from
civil related branches.
This event has 3 rounds , first 2 rounds are elimination rounds
and 3rd round is final round.
Last round points will be considered for declaring the top 3 winners.
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