International Academic Conference on Engineering and Technology 2015,

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Event Description



(1) BEST PAPER Award Winning Team will receive multiple accoloades including reimbursement of upto 600/- for Travel expenses.

(2) BEST PRESENTATION Award Winning Team will be appreciated with outstanding accolades.

(3) All Accepted Papers will be Published in Reputed International Journals authorized and recognized with International standard serial number (ISSN) and high Impact Factor.

(4) Outstanding Conference papers will be published in Annexure-II SCOPUS Indexed International Journals with ISSN after further review.

(5) Outstanding Conference Papers will be submitted to IEEE Journals and will be recommended by our conference team.

(6) All authors of accepted papers will receive hardcopy of International Conference Participation certificates.

(7) All accepted team will receive Printed Proceedings as well as CD Proceedings of the International conference.

(8) After Journal publication, all authors of accepted and presented papers will be receiving International Journal certificates for recognition.

(9) All accepted papers will receive a coupon for Free Journal Publication of your any other research article in one of the reputed International Journals with ISSN of your choice listed by our committee after registration.

(10) Early Bird Registration will cover our free membership which you can utilize in our future editions of conference.

(11) Published Papers will be indexed in distinguished websites for scholars, including Google scholars, DRJI, CiteseerX, Issuu, Mendeley, Docdroid, Citeulike, Europeana, Docstact, Electronics Journal Library, Academia, Internet Archive, Research Bible, WikiCFP, Yudufree, iseek, Sensei, more..


Events in Hyderabad :

Paper Presentation


International Academic Conference on Engineering and Technology 2015 Registration Fees :

Please refer website for other details.

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  • +91 9742350056
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  • Conference Helpline
  • +91-9994701649

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