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Techkriti 2016
Kalyanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016, India

10:00 am

06:00 pm
Event Descriptions:
TECHKRITITechkriti is an annual international technological and entrepreneurial festival organized by the students of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Etymologically, the word 'Techkriti' is composed of two words, 'Tech' in English which stands for technology and 'Kriti' in Sanskrit stands for creation. Hence, the word 'Techkriti' signifies creation or innovation in technology. Techkriti was first held in 1995, and has since grown into one of the largest technical festivals in Asia. The festival is held over four days every March, attracting participants from every corner of the country as well as from abroad, comprising a total footfall of over 25,000 from all over India and abroad.Events in Techkriti 2016, Kanpur:Competitions1)TECHNICAL:-DESIGN EVENTSECDCROBOTICSSOFTWARE CENTRETAKE OFFMIXED BOWLIMP 2)ENTREPRENEURIAL:-BUISNESSBUISNESS VENTURESOCIAL TRACKELEVATOR PITCHIOT3)SOCIALPRESENTATION4)INTERNATIONAL EVENTSIARCMULTIROTORWILD SOCCERIORCIOPCTechKriti Grand PixIRGTWORKSHOPBoeing WorkshopAboutThis is a golden opportunity for students from all fields of engineering to work on real life challenges, develop new ideas, manage a full scale engineering project and finally manufacture it as per your own design. Boeing National Aeromodelling Competition comprises of a workshop and a zonal competition followed by a national championship among winners from all 4 zones of India. The "Boeing Aeromodelling Workshop" for the North Zone will be organized by IIT Kanpur on 9th-10th January, 2016.Students from all over India are allowed to participate in this workshop.Important DatesWorkshop registration opens*:-15th November 2015.Workshop registration deadline*:-14th December 2015.Workshop Selection Results*: -17th December 2015.Electronic copy of their train tickets.:-28th December 2015 (23:59 pm)Reporting date for Workshop:-8th January 2016 at IIT Kanpur.Workshop dates:-9th-10th January 2016Competition dates:-3rd March ? 6th March 20163)TechnocruiseTechnocruise is pre-festival Zonal round event which comprises of Prelims of some major competitions of Techkriti and Professional technical Workshops.Technocruise covers all major cities of India covering all regions form North, South, East, West and central regions. It will be conducted in January and February and venue will be an Engineering college in your vicinity.NOTE:-CHECK OUT THIS LINK http://www.techkriti.org/zonals/# FOR MORE DETAILS ON LOCATIONS FOR PRELIMS AND WORKSHOPS.4)SPREADING SMILES5)TOSCLast Dates for Registration:Visit http://techkriti.org to know more about registration.Techkriti 2016 Registration Fees :INR 1600 (inclusive of all taxes)
Event Timing
- Event Start Date - Thu, 03 Mar '16
- Event start Time - 10:00 am
- Event End Date - Sat, 05 Mar '16
- Event End Time - 06:00 pm
Event Lists
Ticket Name
Prakhar Jain
Event Co-ordinator
Prakhar Jain
College / Organisation Detail
IIT Kanpur (Indian Institute Of Technology), Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
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Things that you should know -
Event End Date
Sat, 05 Mar '16
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