Smart Infr-Est is a mega knowledge sharing conference of 2015. It is an all India summit organized with a vision for promoting sustainable communities in the form of Integrated Construction and reflecting the significance of High Performance Buildings.
Smart Infr-Est focuses on the operations, designs, constructions and occupancy of a building ...
Smart Infr-Est is a mega knowledge sharing conference of 2015. It is an all India summit organized with a vision for promoting sustainable communities in the form of Integrated Construction and reflecting the significance of High Performance Buildings.
Smart Infr-Est focuses on the operations, designs, constructions and occupancy of a building after studying its comprehensive life cycle. This All India Summit is going to be organized considering the importance of the subject which will also incorporate the presence of high profile and specialized experts being invited.
Date: 17th October, 2015
Venue: Muffakham Jah College of Engineering & Technology
Registration Fees: 500/-
Fees Includes:
1.Conference material
2.ID card
3.One year membership of ACCE-I
4.Free access to all events
5.Participation certificate
6.Membership certificate of ACCE-I
9.Refreshments (coffee, tea, and snacks)
10.Transfers (transfers to the summit venue from ACCE-I recommended hotels)
Certificates will be issued to all the delegates. Delegates will also get the opportunity to meet and interact with many notable professionals from different corporations.
Event Details/Highlights
To create an engaging atmosphere for the delegates, the Smart Infr-Est 2015 has defined a number of main events, described below.
1.Make it: The participants will be given material and they must make something; the material will include newspaper, straws, threads, cello tape, color etc
2.AutoCAD designing: The participants will be given some readings and measurements and number of rooms and they have to design using those measurement
3.Extempore: We will give them some topics on the spot; and the participants must speak on it
4.Quiz: The quiz will comprise of both technical and non technical questions
5.Elocution: We will give them some topics before the event itself; and the participants must speak on it
6.Video Q/A: In this event, people will be shown a movie and they will be asked questions related to this movie
7.Poster Presentation
8.Technical paper presentation:
Smart Infr-Est 2015 offers a wide range of topics for the technical paper presentation. The following are the topics,
a)Smart materials and smart structures
b)Intelligent transport system
c)Sky bus technology
d)Evaluation of earthquakes
e)Urban Transport
f)You can present your own topic
9.Working models exhibition
Accomodation Details
All conference events will take place in the Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology. MJCET is ranked in the top 50 colleges among the self financed engineering colleges in India (as per the 2011 ranking by outlook magazine).
We are working with the hotels for accommodation for out-of-towners. Please note, however, that the Smart Inf-Rest team is not responsible for quality of service or facilities provided by these hotels. Accepted delegations at Smart Inf-Rest are eligible for discounted hotel room rates. To receive this room rate, the delegations must mention that they need accommodation, below, while attending Smart Inf-Rest in October. No further discounts will be available.