
  • Ethical Hacking as the name suggests, means hacking into something ethically.
  • Ethical hacking helps you to learn a lot about hacking as well as what precautions to be taken to save yourselves from being hacked.
  • This workshop is designed in such a way that the trainer will use two laptops and one would be working as Victim and one as hacker and he will show real time demos on how to do attacks on the computer of the victim.

Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Networking and Basics 

  • What is Information Security?
  • Problems faced by the Corporate World
  • Why Corporate needs Information Security? Who is a Hacker?
  • Type of Ethical Hackers
  • Classification of Hackers
  • Phases of Hacking
  • IP Address, Finding a Remote IP Address
  • Tracing an IP Address
  • MAC Addresses Spoofing


  • Definition of Scanning
  • Types of Scanning
  •   Difference between Port and Network Scanning
  •  Network Scanning
  • Use of NMAP


  • What is Footprinting?
  • Types of Footprinting
  • DNS brute forcing with fierce
  • Domain Information Groper

Wireless Hacking

  • Introduction of Wireless Network
  • Types of Wireless Network ,Wireless Technology
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Wireless Network
  • Trojan 
  • Virus & Worm

Android Phone Hacking

  • Introduction to Android 
  • Gaining Access to Android Phone 
  • APK File Package, Securing you Mobile


  • What is Keylogger?
  • Categorization of Keystroke Loggers
  • Advanced Keylogger

USB Hacking & Browser Hacking

  • USB Hacking USB for Coping Data
  • Blocking USB Devices
  • Browser Security


  • Introduction to Cryptography
  • Advantages and uses of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Algorithms Asymmetric Algorithms


  • Art of Hiding
  • How Steganography Works
  • Steganography Today
  • Steganography With CMD

Social Engineering attacks Through SET - Set Social Engineering toolkit.

SQL Injection Concepts

  • Basics of SQL
  • Web Application Working
  • Introduction to Server Side Technologies
  • SQL injection

Social Engineering

  • What is Social Engineering?
  • Techniques of Social Engineering
  • Attempt Using Phone, E-mail, Traditional Mail, In person, Dumpster Diving, Websites, Shoulder 
  • surfing, Third Person Approach.
  • Spam Emails

Firewalls & Honeypots

  • What Does a Firewall Do?
  • What a Firewall cannot do
  • How does a Firewall work?
  • Types of Firewall
  • Working of Firewall

Penetration Testing

  • Pen Testing Concepts
  • Types of Pen Testing
  • Pen Testing Phases & Tools

Miscellaneous techniques:

  • How to fake call
  • How to fake mail
  • How to trace both of the aforementioned techniques
  • How to enter into any email with self made permutation machines
  • Lateral thinking methods
  • Also there will be Case Studies of various real time hacks!

Trainer will provide all necessary software and installation along with e-books,videos and presentations.