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About National Conference On “Advances In Computing, Communication And Networking” ACCNet – 2016

ACCNet-2016 is aimed to inviting research papers from the field of Computer Engineering, E&TC, Information Technology and MCA, all interdisciplinary fields of Engineering and Sciences. All the faculties, researchers, PG students and UG students from Computer Engineering, E&TC, Information Technology and MCA are encouraged to submit your original research papers for the ACCNet-2016. All submitted articles should report less than 10% plagiarism, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical.

The research topics are mentioned in the brochure attached with this mail. However the papers from other relevant areas which discuss some innovation, improvement to the existing methodology are also welcomed.


Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

Phone : 7774038444, 9373567610

Email : mulemane.sindhu@raisoni.net

Website : http://ghrcem.raisoni.net/Nationalconference_ACCNET2016_GHRCEM_Pune/

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