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Every single day, the world faces myriad challenges, be it war, economical, environmental or discrimination of basic human rights. How cool would it be, if we could put in our knowledge of the past and present of the world, tickle our grey matter to go to the roots of the problems that the nations of the world face and bring about a consensus, decisions that have the power to make this world a better place to live in?

We at NITSMUN give you this opportunity. An opportunity to place yourself in a situation, where you are not really ‘you’ but a person with tremendous power. Power that you can direct to make decisions. Decisions that can affect the world, the way nations thrive, the way people live. An opportunity where all that you need to do is suit up, discuss, debate and negotiate with more people like you and arrive at a unanimous decision.

From bare beginnings, we, the people at NITSMUN, have toiled day in and day out to spread the MUN culture in Silchar and North-East India. A recent feather added to our cap is the official association of NITSMUN with United Nations Information Center for India and Bhutan(UNIC). With this undeterred enthusiasm, we bring to you NITSMUN 2016...three days that are packed with not only the intricacies of MUNing, but also an unforgettable experience that will make you want more!

So guys...pull up your socks, put on your tie and suit up...because NITSMUN is back!

Stay tuned in for more! 
