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    A one day national seminar on “QUALITY PARAMETERS IN HIGHER EDUCATION” - NSQPHE’16 on 08-01-2016. The major objective of the seminar is to discuss the parameters involved in providing quality in higher education.

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About NSQPHE 2016

Event Details:

Greetings from IQAC, Rathinam College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Coimbatore.

We are pleased to inform that the Internal Quality Assurance Cell is organizing a one day national seminar on “QUALITY PARAMETERS IN HIGHER EDUCATION” - NSQPHE’16 on 08-01-2016.

The major objective of the seminar is to discuss the parameters involved in providing quality in higher education.

Last Dates for Registration:


NSQPHE 2016 Registration Fees :


Friday | January 8th | 2016NSQPHE

A one day national seminar on “QUALITY PARAMETERS IN HIGHER EDUCATION” - NSQPHE’16 on 08-01-2016. The major objective of the seminar is to discuss the parameters involved in providing quality in higher education.


NH209, Madukkarai, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641021 Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Phone : 9597080407

Email : iqac.rcas@rathinamcollege.com

Website : http://rathinamcomputerscience.blogspot.in/2015/12/national-seminar-on-quality-parameters.html

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