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Ticket Details

  • Ticket Type
  • Price(Rs)
  • Quantity
  • Amount(Rs)
  • Faculty / Corporate Participants

    per participant

  • 2020
  • 0
  • Research Scholars

    per participant

  • 1515
  • 0
RS. 0

About Faculty Development Program On Application Of Econometric's In Financial Research

About the workshop: The faculty development program (FDP) is designed to enlighten the skills in financial analysis of the research scholars, faculty members and finance professionals working in various corporates. This is an attempt of sharpening the saw. The financial econometrics is an area of study which integrates finance, economics, probab...


Event Schedule

Thursday | October 8th | 2015Faculty / Corporate Participants

per participant

Thursday | October 8th | 2015Research Scholars

per participant


PES University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Phone : 8050704027

Phone : 9900128837

Email : sivashanmugam@pes.edu

Email : gvmsharma@pes.edu

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