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About Phoenix 2016

PHOENIX 2016, the official annual techno- management festival of Future Institute of Engineering and Management which is scheduled to be held on 19th to 22nd February 2016. After 7 successful years, and being one of the top 8 college fests of West Bengal,PHOENIX is ready to achieve new platforms by introducing more innovative events, more exciting prizes and the much more surprises. From its modest beginning, PHOENIX witnesses a strong participation from colleges of West Bengal, nearly a thousand footfall every day. Out of a heap of stirring events, the Robotics, circuit designing, treasure hunt, junkyard wars, gaming, coding are the special attractions. PHOENIX usually features various events based on engineering, basic sciences as well as management and humanities subjects.

The guest lecturers, special workshops are also a special part of PHOENIX, the most important being the cultural extravaganza at Kala Mandir on 22nd February 2016 featuring the performances of Mir and Bandage along with India’s got Talent famed band Msonic.

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Website : www.phnx.in
