SLDC The ASME Student Design Competition provides a platform for ASME Student Members to present their solutions to a range of design problems - from everyday household tasks to groundbreaking space exploration. Each team is required to design, construct and operate a prototype meeting the requirements of an annually determined problem statement. T...
SLDC The ASME Student Design Competition provides a platform for ASME Student Members to present their solutions to a range of design problems - from everyday household tasks to groundbreaking space exploration. Each team is required to design, construct and operate a prototype meeting the requirements of an annually determined problem statement. The Student Design Competition showcases the extraordinary talents of mechanical engineering students while encouraging them to develop innovative ideas towards an improved quality of life for all. Each year, several teams of up to four students compete at Student Professional Development Conferences in districts worldwide. Winners then proceed to finals at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE). Cash prizes and awards are presented to winners at both district and final competitions.This is where the technical and
communications skills of students are to be put to test. And beyond, it is all about raising these levels and scaling abilities to greater heights. The events are so designed to encompass all professional and creative skills. There will be a number of events which are bound to give students an opportunity to display their skills.