About Training On Innovative, Eco-and Farmers Friendly Crop Protection Measures 2015
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Centre Of Advanced Faculty Training In Plant Pathology sponsored Training on Innovative, Eco-and Farmers Friendly Crop Protection Measures 2015 organized by Department Of Plant Pathology, College Of Agriculture
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology which will be held from November 30 2015 to December 20 2015.
Green revolution brought into excessive crop production and led to food sufficiency and well being of the farming communities in India but at the same time incongruous use of chemicals & pesticides has soared in the last two decades which increased toxicity in the soil & water bodies contaminated with heavy metals leading to cancer and other life threatening ailments, environmental pollution, high rate of genetic damage
that raised food safety concerns. Moreover, the changes in crop cultivation pattern and practices, use
of mono-culture, depleting water table, poor soil health, deforestation, climate change, erratic rains, floods, drought and more and more urbanization have a bearing on the onset of diseases in different agro- climatic conditions & adversely affect the biodiversity of a region. Some plant diseases spread to newer areas some became more severe in areas of their prevalence and some diseases have resurged. Those which were
considered to be minor disease in an area are becoming major diseases.
G. B. Pant University Of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India
Phone : 9411160014
Email : kps.kushwaha@gmail.com
Website : http://www.gbpuat.ac.in/trcon/25082015_20dec2015_Revised_Circular.pdf