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Ticket Type

Ticket Details

  • Ticket Type
  • Price(Rs)
  • Quantity
  • Amount(Rs)
Date Of Paper Submission Upto 30th Of December
  • Technical Symposium

    This category of ticket is for Attendee.

  • 400
  • 0
  • Technical Symposium

    This category of ticket is for Researchers and students authors.

  • 600
  • 0
  • Technical Symposium

    This category of ticket is for faculty members of different institutes and organisations as well as people related to various industry.

  • 1000
  • 0
RS. 0

About Technical Symposium On Emerging Technologies In Computer Science

TSESTCS 2015 Has been the forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss topics related to computer science and emerging technologies in it. Novel contributions are presented in the forum of keynote speeches by experts peer reviewed technical field and short papers and posters ,TSETCS 2015 seeks to address and capture highly innovative and state of art researches from academia,Industry and standardization bodies get world recognized IJCA.

Event Schedule

Friday | January 29th | 2016Technical Symposium | Date Of Paper Submission Upto 30th Of December

This category of ticket is for Attendee.

Friday | January 29th | 2016Technical Symposium | Date Of Paper Submission Upto 30th Of December

This category of ticket is for Researchers and students authors.

Friday | January 29th | 2016Technical Symposium | Date Of Paper Submission Upto 30th Of December

This category of ticket is for faculty members of different institutes and organisations as well as people related to various industry.


G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Ruhallapur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Phone : 8882333002

Email : sambhav.malhotra@gmail.com

Website : tsetcs.glbitm.org

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