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Flagship Events
  • Avdharna, Good Corp Bad Corp

  • 750
  • 0
RS. 0

About Utkarsha - IIM Indore Social Fest

We are proud to announce the second edition of UTKARSHA, the exclusive social fest at IIM Indore to be held from December 5 to December 6, 2021. The first edition saw a host of eminent personalities and a variety of events, and this year it will only be bigger and better.
The two-day event aims to ignite discussion about gender neutrality and equal rights for women. This year, we are officially collaborating with HeForShe, a UN Women Solidarity Movement for Gender Equality.
We have flagship events like:
  • Avdharna, Social B-Plan Competition
  • Good Corp Bad Corp, CSR Strategy Event
  • Youth Parliament
  • Panel Discussion
Other Events include:
  • Sauvetage, Live Consulting Event
  • Moral Muddle, British Parliamentary Debate
  • Aakrosh, Street Play
  • Jaago Re, Social campaigning Event
  • Inverika, Social Quiz
  • Samhita, Walk For a Cause
  • Nayan, Online Photography Competition
  • Social Take, Online Video Making Competition
Registrations have begun for all events on our website www.utkarsha.net.in
We solicit enthusiastic participation from your institute to make the second edition of Utkarsha a roaring success and to give the participants a reason to come back next year.
We have attached the Invitation letter, the Events' Brochure (consisting of the details of all the events), a document with some frequently asked questions and the poster of the event.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the mail.

Warm regards,

Anshuman Singh | Satchi Sahay

Coordinators - Utkarsha 2015

9713104142 | 9685044514


Website:     http://www.utkarsha.net.in

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/utkarshafest
Blog:          https://utkarshathefest.wordpress.com/2015/10/17/gender-inequality-and-women-empowerment/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/utkarshathesocialfest/
Twitter:      https://twitter.com/UtkarshaTheFest

Event Schedule

Saturday | December 5th | 2015Avdharna, Good Corp Bad Corp | Flagship Events


Prabandh Shikhar, Rau Pithampur Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 453556 IIM Indore, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Phone : 9713104142

Email : i13anshumans@iimidr.ac.in

Website : http://www.utkarsha.net.in

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