About Workshop On Monitoring & Evaluation
About Events
In orderto understand effect of an intervention either atmicro ormacro scale starting from its inception to intend impact requires the possession of fundamental knowledge of monitoring and evaluation. In specific to health and population development programme,monitoring and evaluation skills are critical at almost all stages including design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. Policy makers, program managers, monitoring and evaluation officers and researchers need such skillsto be update at regular basis asthey are likely to face queriesregarding the program. Therefore, a regular chain of capacity building exercise must continue as monitoring and evaluation processis a highly dynamic and evolving field in today's world. Since majority
of young scholars and students in an empirical science like public health, population and development will most likely to take up professional career as monitoring and evaluation officers atthe beginning oftheir career and remain core team member of monitoring and evaluation system throughout their professional life. In this right background, IIPSAA brings this opportunity to serve young professionals in population studies through a five?day workshop aiming to refresh, enhance and update the skillsin thisimportant area.4
WorkshopObjective Through this workshop, participants will be able to learn:
=> Basic Conceptsin Monitoring and Evaluation
=> UNSustainable DevelopmentGoals(SDGs) and Monitoring Indicators
=> StudyDesign and Respective Evaluation Tools
=> Propensity Score Matching: Concept andUtility in Monitoring and Evaluation Program
=> Difference inDifferences: Concept and Exercises
IIPS, Deonar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Phone : 9869442117
Email : kcdas@iips.net
Website : http://www.iipsindia.org/pdf/iipsWorkshopAlumni2014.pdf